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Quick FAQ

Microblading lasts for about 18 months, depending on your skin and lifestyle. You can do additional touch ups to extend the duration of the treatment.

Most people report little or no pain during microblading, but everyone experiences pain differently. Some people describe the feeling of microneedles in their skin like light cat scratches or papercuts. After the microblading treatment, you might experience redness and slight swelling - most people describe it as a feeling similar to a light sunburn.

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Microblading is a two-step process: the initial procedure and the microblading touch up. The first session will take about 2,5 hours. After 6 weeks, you will need to do a touch up. This second session takes about 1.5 - 2 hours.

Microblading for Men

Eyebrows are the most prominent feature of the face, both for men and for women. They define your look and influence the way others see you. Microblading for men helps you to create a brow more masculine than your own in a way that is invisible to others. The result is manly, well-shaped eyebrows that give you a stronger, bolder and more powerful appearance.

The microblading technique that is used to create perfect eyebrows, is the same for men and women. But for men, the eyebrow artist creates a fuller, thicker look - a bit messier than the ladies’ brows.

When you come to Timi, you are invited to discuss your eyebrow wishes with our specialist. Some men prefer brows that are a bit bushy and wild, others prefer them neatly groomed and defined. It’s all up to you.

Our expert will advise you on the perfect eyebrow shape, thickness and colour for you, how to match eyebrow style with hair and skin type. And don’t worry, we will not remove or drastically change your existing brows. The results of microblading for men is subtle, adding definition and boldness to your appearance and giving you a stronger look.

After discussing your desired outcome, our eyebrow artist will explain the microblading procedure. In case you have any questions about the procedure, feel free to ask.

The eyebrow specialist uses a special hand tool to insert tiny amounts of pigment just under your skin. With small, feather like strokes the brows are perfectly shaped and darkened; the needles used are so fine that they mimic real-life strands of hair. The exact shape of the strokes depends on the individual design, but in general the strokes for men are slightly less curved than the ones for women. The high-quality pigments that are used for this treatment are developed for microblading (not regular tattoo ink!) and important from Germany. Because the pigments are placed in the upper layers of your skin, the microblading treatment won’t hurt like a regular tattoo.

The first treatment takes about 2 to 3 hours, and you're strongly advised to return in 4-6 weeks for a check up and touch up, which is included in the price. After the touch up, the effects of the treatment last for about 18 months, depending on your skin type.

The result of microblading for men can be very subtle, but have a profound effect. Your appearance will be more powerful, and help you to gain trust and respect of others.

Book your new eyebrows now !

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